Company Name: L-3 PacOrd
Business Size: Large
Seaport-e Point of Contact: Russ Pearce
Link to Seaport-e website, if applicable:
Functional Areas Supported: All
Zones Supported (1 - 7): All
Brief Description of Capabilities:
For over 50 years, L-3 Communications PacOrd has been a leader in military and commercial marine systems installation, testing and maintenance. As the service arm of parent companies L-3 Communications and Power & Control Systems Group, L-3 PacOrd provides shipboard and shore-based systems installation, overhaul, repair and integration on virtually every single class of surface vessel in the United States Navy fleet. The company has service facilities in major naval centers across the U.S. serving both domestic and international ships, both military and commercial ships. L-3 PacOrd provides a combination of expertise and cost-effectiveness generally unavailable from any other source.
Complete the below table for the last 3 years service experience:
Contract/TO Number Ordering Activity/Program/Customer Zone Seaport-e Functional Area Brief Description of Scope or Deliverables
See website